Bike Jobs
The great thing about bike jobs is that you get to do something you really love. Plus you get to transfer your knowledge about your hobby to others looking to get into cycling. Our cycling shop is always looking for people with the right character and commitment to join our team. We love what we do. Here's a chance for you to do something you might love doing. Talk to us about mechanic jobs, service support, internships, and other opportunities.

Join Our Cycling Shop Team
If you’re looking for a bicycle job near you in the Westchester County, NY area, we’re always looking for great people to join our staff. Please check below for some bike jobs, but feel free to contact the store anytime with additional bike shop employment opportunity questions.
The National Bicycle Distributors Association routinely recognizes our cycling shop as one of American’s Best Bike Shops. So, you’ll get to learn and work at bike store that’s second to none.
Give us a call or stop by and chat with us. You’ll be glad you joined the team.
Current Bike Job Positions
We’re looking for 1 part-time during the school year, and full-time in the summer, high school or college students to work after school 2 days/week and Saturdays. Hours are typically from 3-7 on the 2 weekdays and 10-6 on Saturdays during the school year and 11-7 T-F and 10-6 Sat during the summer. Applicants don’t need any special training or knowledge, but they must be willing to work hard, learn about bikes, and smile. We’ll train the right candidate. Please call the shop at 914-666-4044, or email us at